
The Share tool allows Measure Ground Control users to generate a link to share with other stakeholders and collaborators. This link gives non-Measure users access to view data products in the MGC Mapviewer.

Getting Started

Please note that users that receive the share link will only be able to view the data product and won't have access to download, export, or annotate them. When the data product is shared, annotations created by the MGC user will not be visible to the recipient.


1. Open the data product to be shared in the Mapviewer

2. Click on the vertical 3-dot actions menu and select Share Links

3. Click the copy button to copy the share link

4. Click the save button to confirm your selection

Please note that this link will not expire and the project is always accessible unless the Measure Ground Control user decides otherwise.


This can also be performed by clicking on the vertical 3-dot actions menu next to the data product and selecting Share Links.

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