Cloud Syncing Flight Logs

Measure Ground Control has added several new features to its flight log syncing, backup, and visualization tool kit to make drone flight logging accessible across multiple drone manufacturers. With support for flight logs from over 80 manufacturers.

Getting Started

Measure Ground Control users can easily manage and organize their drone flight logs, analyze flight data for performance evaluation and compliance purposes, track maintenance schedules and generate reports, collaborate and share flight data with team members.

  1. Open the Measure Ground Control web app.
  2. On the home screen, locate the profile icon in the top right corner and click on it.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select "Settings"


In the Settings screen, find and select the "Cloud Sync" option.


In the Cloud Sync screen, there will be a list of available providers. Choose the drone manufacturer from the list.

After selecting the drone manufacturer, you will be prompted to enter the login information associated with that specific provider. Input your login credentials into the designated fields. Once the credentials have been entered, click on the "Save" button. Await the "Credentials successfully created" message, indicating that the login information has been saved successfully.

Please note that it may take up to one day for flight logs to sync.


Currently, only these providers are accessible through cloud sync. Additional functionality will be introduced in the near future.


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